Buy the monograph

After two years of work, I’m very happy to announce the launch of my monograph published with Editions Cercle d’Art.
You can order it now in all book stores in France or online at major book retailers : Fnac, Cultura, Decitre, Amazon. Find the links to buy the book here :


– From 11th of January 2019 to 28th of February 2019
« Paysages » at the gallery Thomas Bernard – Cortex Athletico.
(13 rue des Arquebusiers, 75003 Paris)

– From the 16th of January 2019 to the 23rd of February 2019
« De la Ligne à l’Horizon » – a dialogue with Nicolas Aubagnac
at the gallery Scène Ouverte
(Beau Passage, 53-57 rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris)

– From the 7th of February 2019 to the 7th of April 2019
« Tandem » a duo with Marc Desgrandchamps
at La Chapelle des Cordeliers in Toulouse

Looking forward to seeing you there.